Gulley’s World
News, Research, and Arcana from Professor Gulley Jimson
Gulley’s World on Art Twerks is the place where artists and art lovers can come to learn the secrets of the profession straight from the horse’s mouth–that horse being Professor Gulley Jimson, artist, philosopher, and genius extraordinaire.
Professor Jimson will take you to places you could never have dreamed of in your wildest imagination. Providing you have one, that is. People of dubious repute have even claimed that Gulley’s descriptions of his amazing travels have triggered out-of-body experiences for them. Who are we to doubt?
“To forgive is wisdom, to forget is genius. And easier. Because it’s true. It’s a new world every heart beat.”
~ Joyce Cary, The Horse’s Mouth
Gulley Jimson will inform us of changes in trends, new discoveries, and fantastic new ideas. Hopefully, some of it will be related to the subject of art. He is still remembered in certain art circles for having developed his revolutionary method of painting the female nude by measuring the subject with his hands, as one would a horse. At least that’s what we were told.
“Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves they have a better idea.”
~ John Ciardi
The Professor Knows!
Artist Survey Equipment
Jimson Painting-Method Book
The Art of the Artist Statement
Arctic Pigments
Swell Idea
Rare Peruvian Paint Announcement
A Study of Fat over Lean
To Varnish or Not to Varnish? That is the Question.